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Writer's pictureAmanda Berggren

Hell-Ville market

Today it was time for some new adventures and you could really tell that I was bored today so it did me good to get out and about a bit.

Shane is finally feeling better and so do I so after no training for many days now and not even walks so I really needed to do something today. We decided to take a little tour to Hell-Ville and the famous market there, and also add one stop on the way to a famous tree.

So we asked in the hotel if we could have someone arrange this transport for us to get there and we also got a guide with that, but damn, she was next level of terrible as a guide! In the car on our way to the market she points out every hotel on the way as if they were the main attraction, she barely spoke a word of English and when we asked her questions she couldn’t really answer them (or she just said yes), perfect! Well I’m all in for being in places where there are not so many tourists but if you pay for a guide you would at least think they speak a bit of English when they already know at the hotel that we do not speak French or their local languages. Italian would have worked too as apparently there are direct flights from Rome to Nosy be (the island we are at) so a lot of the staff here speaks Italian as that is their biggest tourist groups.

First stop was the tree, and unfortunatley I can not really tell much about as we didnt get an explanation of what it is but there was a clearly a plca where people came to show love, pray, leave money or other gift. Before entering the "tree area" they had to put a sowrong on us and you can tell by the picture that Shane really loved it! I think he fits good in it, looks like he is getting well done in to the culture now with this, his flip flops and a tan, he is doing good!

The famous tree

Well, one thing I love doing when traveling is to go to the local market. I rarely buy anything but it gives you so much feeling for the culture and the way of living and in a place like this - it’s not many tourists there either.

Reaching the market after around 30 min drive we get dropped off straight in the chaos, you can really tell that we are in the middle of everything. People, cars, animals, shops and things going on everywhere we look, and I love it! I love to see these places and feel the crazy energy around.

It was very busy and the camera wasn’t always a positive thing but we had a nice walk around (if you ask me it, not sure if he agrees but I think he liked seeing it but probably wouldn't want to go back, haha!)

On the way back we stoped at a smaller market place where we actually bought a few things, one of them was a beautiful handmade book with thick paper in from Madagascar an I will use it to print my favorite photos from Africa and put in that book. It was beautiful!

back home in time for sunset

Tomorrow we will check out fro this place but first we will do a snorkle tour in the morning and then we will be heading up the north of the island to check in to the hotel where we will spend christmas and im so excited to see that place! It looks amazing but we have no idea what to expect but I have a feeling it's the perfect place for christmas for us. This hotel that we've been at now has not been our favourtie and there is really something odd about it. At least they gave us doscount on the tour today after our feedback of the guide and that it doesn make sence paying for a halfday tour when we only had the market as a stop and a guide who didn't talk at all, so for that I give this hotel some extra points, but the energy here is not good and we are both happy to move on tomorrow.

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